Enter the World of Virtual Psychotherapy - Accessible Globally

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What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a scientific way of assisting someone to cope with mental health issues or addictions by using different modalities of talk therapy.

Is virtual psychotherapy effective?

Yes, it is highly effective.

What is the complete process?

I start with a free 30-minute session, where you talk about your concerns. This is an enjoyable experience and gives you an opportunity to establish rapport and experience the therapeutic connection, which is the core of any therapeutic relationship. During the meeting, we develop the best plan of care for you.

What is the financial cost associated?

Widely psychotherapy cost ranges between $100/- to $300/-. Since it has been regulated more and more insurance companies are providing coverage under extended health benefits. You are encouraged to check with your insurance company. I work with a sliding scale and it is discussed with you when you connect for consultation

What about privacy and confidentiality?

Privacy and confidentiality of clients are the core mandates. Your information or any information pertaining to you accessing services wouldn’t be disclosed to anyone unless consented to by the client in writing. Having said that, it is imperative to be informed that there are limits to confidentiality. You will be informed about the limitations when you connect for sessions.

What population do you serve?

I work with individuals, couples, and families. My expertise is in working with children above the age of 10 years, youth, and adult populations. I also provide culture-specific services to racialized individuals, who wish to seek therapy in the context of their culture. This is a safe space for those who identify with the LGBTQ community or at-risk population, as all the services are provided from Anti-Racism/ Anti-oppression and holistic framework. Therapy can be provided in the language of your convenience, English, Hindi, Punjabi, or Urdu.

Will I be prescribed any medication as a part of psychotherapy?

No, psychotherapists cannot prescribe any medication, but if you are taking medication the therapy would not interfere with it.

Reach out to us today!

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